Friday, November 9, 2007

Running late but confidant. :o)

This whole journal thing is new for me.

Don't get me wrong... I have journals and blogs but only tend to use them when I am really emotional or, no scrap that, it is only when I am emotional. lol

I tended to think I was just plain boring and there was nothing much to my life but reading other friends blogs, I am realising that I am doing well. Not everyone is going to care about me and what goes on but that is ok as this is a journey for me. It doesn't matter if no one else reads this as long as I am growing all the time.

Sorry to keep this short, have a lot to do today with ds (darling son to be named in here from now on as Mr Magoo). he is home from school again today just to make sure he isn't sick still.
will be back later tonight.


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