Thursday, September 27, 2007

Great week had... though the house is not going so good

This week has been good, well I think so anyway.

Monday was mostly tidying but did spend time with ds, reading and playing.

Tuesday, I got my hair cut. A friend did it and she was REALLY good. At first I didn't know what to think as it is shorter than I thought that it would be but I am really getting used to it and I love it.

Wednesday was wasted I think, DH is still sick and fuly acting like a sick male. LOL. We did do some shopping though, so I guess that it wasn't too bad.

And today. I loved it. I had organised with a friend to catch up. She rang early because it was raining and thought that we probably should postpone it till next week but after Mr Magoo got really sad because he desperately wanted to see them, the adults changed their minds.

We went to catch the bus, got there late (due to a mummy error) but the bus was late so it was ok. when we got in there, it was still spitting slightly but getting better. We met up with S and her son J and walked over a bridge (bout 1km) to the library and stayed there for a couple of hours. We then went to have lunch (subway) and walked back over the bridge to south bank. The kids played there for probably an hour then it was time to go home.

Mr Magoo got some books from the library and loved the time with our friends though he did say it was horrible because he hurt himself. He didn't even have a scratch. LOL

I also found all of my journals and organised them. I think that it is time for me to start journalling again, not how my day went... but prayers and general talking to God.

Well I need to go to bed soon, but will try to be here tomorrow.



Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm back

It has been about 5 days since I have been here.

Doing not too bad I think. I have been nauseous again but I think that is the aspartame that is making me feel sick. Am going to try going without it for a few days and see if that helps.

Apart from that, the health challenge seems to be ging well. I do need to get more exercise in though. Will do that a bit later today if my tummy likes me more than it does now.

Mr Magoo has still been playing up but I know that that is because of how I am to a certain extent. DH pulled me up on it yesterday and while I got grumpy and defensive at him, I know that I need to work on how I react while not feeling well.

Had better go, am having a day to myself today as DH took both the kids out. I think maybe I should have gone with him but I just wanted to be by myself. Selfish maybe, but there is nothing I can do now about it.


Monday, September 17, 2007

The first day of the rest of my life

Well it is 4pm and I have been doing well today I think.

Woke up a bit late and didn't really want to do anything this morning. I did though. I have done most of my poda today which I am really happy about. Still have a bit to go but am excited about how I am going.

I have cleaned most of the house today, it wasn't too bad, mostly just clothes that needed to be folded and put away.

Mr Magoo has been playing up a bit but I think he is just feeling the emotions that are here and playing up to them. I need to make sure I relax and don't bite when I know that is what helps him to misbehave.

I have done well also on the eating and exercise front. I have done the 3 mile walk away the pounds dvd and have eaten what I was meant to and not cheated. YAY ME!!!

Altogether a rather good day.


The begining

Well this a new start. A new begining.

I must admit, I am pretty bad at blogs and normally forget I have them. This time, It is going to be a fresh start blogging about things that I am feeling. Kinda like a recap of the day so that I can unwind and really think about where I am going, how I am feeling and big mile stones in my life.

Well had better go but will be back tonight to share.
