Thursday, November 22, 2007

finally back, not doing well with nablopomo

mmm.. long day today. long week really. Been to the gym twice this week and worked again today. I love cleaning houses... not mine though. lol

Unfortunately though, the lady who I am helping has hurt her leg again which is really hoorrible as she isn't feeling well. She also has bronchitis (sp) it is good for me as I have work with her till she is better but still, I hate that she isn't in the best of health.

I also have gym tomorrow. I think I will do some extra. I have a PT session but want to do some cardio as well. I believe I will do 20 mins each of tredmill, x-trainer and bike, then do my session with the PT. He is going to make a weights routine for me.

sorry this is lame. NEED SLEEP


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