Thursday, October 4, 2007

feeling low and rejected

Am really low at the moment, I don't know what is wrong with me.

Let me explain.

Tonight i joined a bible study group, all girls and all around my age, cept they are younger and not married and don't have kids.

It was about what kind of friend I am and what I consider a friend etc.

To be honest, I don't see me as having friends, I mean I know that I do but none in real life, well none my age.

I felt so stupid there and felt as though I was nothing. That wasn't the message conveyed but it still hurt a hell of a lot. I will post the answers to my questions there in the next couple of days.

I think the hard thing for me is that I have never felt as though I fitted in anywhere, not the groups I am in, not my church, not even fully in my family unles you count my Dad. Even in my house, I feel as though I am an outsider. It just hurts so much.

I had better head off now as I need to make lunch for tomorrow. Will come back after I can see through my glasses. Dang things are fogging up with tears I don't normally use.


1 comment:

WendyC said...

Hugs, sweetie. Know you have some real friends! You are awesome and one day you will find real life people who "mesh" with where you are. Took me a long while. Meanwhile vent to us and keep on sharing how special you are.